Listen to news and articles from the worlds best publishers and bloggers narrated by a global community. Whether commuting, working out at the gym, or cooking at home, let Linguoo accompany you with great articles every day.
We loved Umano and when they shutted down, we had to create a new one. So we´ve made Linguoo.
* Your daily headline news and thousands of articles narrated by REAL people
* Enjoy a wide selection of articles from Technology to Lifestyle
* Simple and intuitive design. Ideal for using while on-the-go.
* Build your own playlist.
* Download articles for offline listening.
* English and spanish spoken articles (soon we will add a filter for more languages)
Join to our great community and be heard by a global audience!
This app is perfect for you if you loved Umano app, or if you like podcasts, listen to audio books or prefer to consume other audio content on the go.
We´re on beta, please be gentle!